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File type catalog

File extension database

This site contains a database of various file extensions. Extension is a combination of letters at the end of file name which defines what type of information file stores and what application created it and should be used to open it.

If you know extension you want to look for you can type it in the box to the right. Just type one file extension there and no additional terms.

Each page with file extension offers translation to several languages.

Also we created several articles related to file extensions in our Knowledge Base section. We hope it will be useful to you.

For each file extension we try to provide information which application is able to open it.

All content on this website is written by technical writers – no robot generated staff. We tried to write these articles to make sure everyone can understand them – even without much of computer knowledge.

If you don’t know how to open specific file extension and our instructions don’t help you with it here is a quick tip on how you can open it.

If you’re on OS X (Mac OS). Start terminal and go to folder with your file. You can use cd “folder name” command to navigate there. Then type head “filename”. This will give you first several bytes of the file. In many case you can infer what kind of content is stored in the file especially if file is huge.

If you’re in Windows OS you should start cmd.exe. Just type cmd in search box either in start menu or on the right sidebar. Select “Command Prompt”. In a command prompt windows which appear navigate to directory with file using: cd “folder” command. There type: more “filename” to view first lines of the file.

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